By Bill Riddell
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Review & Description
Our teachers, parents and student advisors have tried to do the right thing and teach us how to get an internship, find a job and build an awesome career, but they often give the wrong advice.
They place far too much importance on writing nice resumes and preparing for formal interviews. These can be useful, but there are many better ways to get a job, particularly the job of your dreams.
This book, in over 100 pages combines some timeless advice with plenty of unconventional strategies that have been successfully tested by the author.
While in school and college Bill Riddell gained work experience/internships with two of the world’s greatest racing teams, combining my passion for writing and car racing.
After graduating his experience earned him a job at Australia’s most respected car racing magazine before turning to freelance work.
Though your dream job may be totally different, by using this unique guide you too can make it come true.
Chances are there are thousands of people out there who want the exact same internship and job as you, many with same company. Some may have better grades than you, others may be nicer or better looking – but, with the tips in this book you will have an unfair advantage over all of them.
One of the biggest things holding you back may be uncertainty of just what sort of job you want. If so, you are not alone. A whole chapter detailing how to get over this presents many ways to find your calling in life.
Put an end to the confusion, the nagging and pressure from family and friends to "figure out what you’re going to do with your life".
So who should buy this book?
Anyone in high school, college or university who wants to kick-start their career with an incredible internship and continue on to a great job.
It does not matter if you are unsure what job you want. This book will help you decide.
If you know exactly what company you want to intern at, it will help you get it.
If you are sick of hearing the same advice from teachers, parents and every other good intentioned person you know - this book is definitely for you.
The book includes templates and easy to follow guides to make sure you get it right first time.
“I just wish someone had written this for me when I was in high school and college - it would have saved a lot of time and a lot of failures. Now you can skip the mistakes and go straight to the success,” says the author, Bill Riddell.
“I know what this information has done for my life. And I know the potential to tremendously help you change your life if you follow my book. I’m sure you will get amazing, life changing results.” Read more
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